
Original Paintings

Prices for Original Paintings can be given on request.

Buy a Print

Giclée printing is recognised as a top quality premium digital printing process derived from a photograph or scan of the original work and is renowned for its fastness of colour and longevity. All of my paintings have been professionally photographed to achieve the very best effect.

All Limited Edition prints are signed and numbered and sold with a signed Certificate of Authenticity. The print run is shown on the enhanced picture of each painting. Please click on the painting for these details.

Printed on Canvas

Paintings are printed on 350gsm canvas with professional artists waterproof laminated finish. For best effect, can be mounted on board and finished in a “St Ives” style wooden frame or another frame of choice, or alternatively can be stretched on an artists frame or the canvas alone can be rolled and dispatched in a tube. P&P extra.

Prices will vary depending on how they are mounted and the type of frame selected. Estimates can be given for the required choice.

Printed on Paper

Paintings are printed on 300gsm cotton rag fine art paper. Can be produced and mounted in a white artists mount and if required, framed in a frame of choice, with non reflective “Artists Glass”

Prices will vary according to size, whether framed and estimates can be given for the required choice.